
gomenasai... aishiteru!
Sarah me dió su diario donde enconte algunas cosas frases que explican mucho, quizás son cursis pero espero que las leas:
The difference between holding on to a hurt or releasing it with forgiveness is like the difference between laying your head down at night on a pillow filled with thorns or a pillow filled with rose petals.
It's not about forgiving or not forgiving, all that matters is how important that person is to you, and what's important to yourself.
One day you'll ask me which is more important, you or my life.
And i'll say my life and then you'll walk away never knowing you're my life.
if i had a star for every time you brightened my life, i'd be holding a galaxy in my hands
The only one who can dry your tears is the one who made you cry
It's true you don't know what you've got until it's gone, but it's also true you don't know what you've been missing until it arrives.
i'm a human... and i love you...
Sorry, but my "give a damn"'s broken
No matter how much you treat me like shit... i can't help loving you even more.
"...i want to jump in front of every cab i see, because maybe then i'll stop thinking about him"
"...you said you'd always be there for me... but you're not... and it's because of me, it's my fault"
El tópico del día es
- 1-inter
- 7 persons...
- abierto al publico
- American Idol
- amigos
- amor
- amor pensamientos
- anime
- anime manga
- basilisk
- bitch
- brothers
- C
- carlos
- chingonadas
- Chris Daughtry
- cine
- Clamp
- clamp in wonderland
- clamp make me crazy
- clamp makes me crazy
- code geass
- coming soon
- crueldad
- cuento corto
- cumpleaños
- cursilerias varias
- dadavo
- dawsons creek
- died
- discos
- enojo
- escribo basura
- escritos
- estoy enamorado y me vale madres todo jajaja
- estupideces
- estupideces de mi vida
- exile on mainstream
- familia
- fiestas
- final de temporada
- furuba
- fye
- gatos
- gente estupida
- gringos
- hasta encontrarte
- idioteces mias
- jojojo
- karen
- KuroFye
- kurogane
- KuroSyao
- kurowanko
- la raza
- lalo
- lelouch
- live action
- lol
- manga
- masacre de san valentin
- matchbox twenty
- meme's para aburrirte...
- mesiversario
- Mokona
- muerte
- musica
- Noticias
- novela cursi
- noviazgo
- nueva novela
- nunally
- opiniones
- pedaaaaaas
- pedotas
- peliculas
- pend
- pendejadas
- pensamientos
- perdiendo el tiempo
- personal
- personal.
- que cagado canto
- random
- random... feelings
- real life
- reflexiones
- ridiculeces mias
- rolo
- romanticucho
- saikano
- sakura
- season 06-07
- season finale
- semaniversario
- Shinobi
- soy un pendejo ya perdoname
- susaku
- syaoran
- te amo
- Tokyo Revelations
- tonterias
- tonterias...
- tonterias....
- tops
- trabajo
- Tsubasa Reservoir Cronicle
- vacaciones
- vip
- Voces
- wall-e
- X1999
- yaoi
- yo
- zero
- Watashi no suki na hito!
- Tsubasa reservoir Chronicle en Español
- La jodimos... pero aqui anda
- Mi amada y sexy setsuka
- Epilectic girl, una chica bien chingona!
- Annis!!!! whoooe!
- El blog de mi broh!!!
- T.u.T.i.
- la mente de un dadavo
- cachanilaaaa!
- Free to be bi... un sitio con mucha libertad...
- Friki Blog de Genesis Orion
- el blog de chaud
- krlos!
- La web de Oz,... en construcción
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